Registration Fee: $20.00 per Dancer
One Class per Month $65 per month
Two Classes per Month $120 per month
Three Classes per Month $150 per month
Four Classes per Month $1750 per month
Five Classes per Month $205 per month
Six Classes per Month $225 per month
Seven Classes per Month $240 per month
Eight Classes per Month $260 per month
Nine Classes per Month $275 per month
Ten Classes per Month $290 per month
Eleven Classes per Month $305 per month
Twelve Classes per Month $320 per month
Thirteen Classes per Month $335 per month
Fourteen Classes per Month $350 per month
Fifteen Classes per Month $365 per month
Sixteen Classes per Month $380 per month
Choreography Fees for Competition Dance which are not part of the normal dancer schedule are as follows:
Solos ($195.00) Duo/Trio ($125.00) Small Groups ($95.00)
Production ($95.00)
$95.00 Rehearsal fee is due September.
June Choreography Fees and Registration are due
at the time of registration.